
Spring General Membership Meeting

Tam O’ Shanter Inn

Apr. 2007

With a Guest Speaker of the caliber of Dick Gulstrand and a beautiful sunny California day, what else would we do but drive our C1 to a Membership Meeting.  This time we met at the Tam O’ Shanter Inn on Los Feliz Blvd., east of Interstate 5.Tire Kickin’ began at 10:00 AM and Dick G. arrived shortly afterward in his ’65 Mid-Year (seen below).


Another Highlight of the day was the 7 times ’57 line-up of black cars.  Tech Session Coordinator Chip Werstein organized this line-up and collected the cars in a single area.  Pictures of the day and the cars are exhibited below.  An eighth car was expected but had fuel pump problems.  But there is something magical about 7 X 57 Black Corvettes.



Above are the 7 ’57 Corvettes along with their owners.  In order from right to left:

1. Chip and jenni Werstein  270 HP member#3, 2. John Englehardt   FI owned since 1967 member#50, 3. Marty Vranicar  FI owned since 1971 member#9, 4. John Costales   270HP member#4, 5.  Dan McCarthy original owner—sold and bought back in 1963, 6. Ralph Haun  FI member#74, 7. Andy Bressler  FI    member#43 and 8. would have been Ron Lefler 270HP member#91. Fuel pump failed on the way to the meeting. Give him the hard luck honorable mention




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The Tam O’ Shanter Inn traces its existence back to 1922 when it began on this property off Los Feliz Blvd.  This upscale facility did serve great food during our lunch time event and they had a great parking lot away from the traffic.
Over 30 cars visited with us this day and over 60 members attended the meeting.