When polled, many members appreciate the free-flow of technical information that they experience in SACC. One of the primary purposes of this free-flow is to “Keep these C1’s on the road” where they can be enjoyed. Tech Sessions are a significant highlight each year in the So Cal Chapter. As the longevity of our Chapter increases the attendance at our Tech Sessions increase steadily.
During the 2006 National Convention in Truckee, 4 speakers presented a day long Tech Session and the room was filled. The following are details from this Tech Session. Since one of the speakers, and his topic, was presented to our Chapter (Larry Pearson on installing silicon brake fluid) his presentation is not included, however, Larry’s presentation is available if you click on the “Tech Mtg. 3” button to the above.
John Kennedy appears above whole presenting his topic, “Soft Tops” and Upholstery. John has had 50 years of practical experience in this field and as a NCRS judge in the same area. He is a wealth of knowledge! The following charts are from John’s presentation.
John’s discussion on Al Knoch’s top material had some praises and criticism’s and John advised that when ordering for Al, for the later C1’s, order a Jeff Reade Top. Jeff is a member of So Cal and has discussions with Al Knoch about leaving “extra” material on for pulling the top taut when installing. |
The above sketch had many C1 owners shaking their heads. This strap was installed on the tops to hold all the bows secure when folding the top down. A procedure appears below indicating the proper folding procedure. I am thinking the head shaking indicated that most attendee’s do not have this strap. |
The above chart indicates the proper technique for replacing the clips that secure the window “cat whiskers”. Pliers are used to pull each leg of the clip through and “roll over’ the leg so that it will not pull loose after released. |
The Window Crank clips are indicated above. Do not use the larger clips on the Lock Knobs as they will pop off. Suggestion, is to look over or inquire with some Vintage Chevy suppliers and they might have the smaller clips. |
Trim ends on soft tops. |
Door panels Screws. |
(Above) The sketch above is a side view of the folding top mechanism. John explained the proper method for folding the top so as to avoid wearing/tearing holes in the top material sides. The technique explained consisted of releasing the frame latches from the fuel tank cover and lifting the bottom frame member all the way forward, as far as you can while folding the window in the middle. Lay a towel between the window folded panes. Secure the hold strap which was discussed earlier. Make sure the material is away for the “dog-leg” framework on the inside of the top. Then release the front from the windshield frame and rotate the whole assembly back into the compartment which holds the top. |