This day in August was quite cool and pleasant. Paradise Cove is below in the picture as this picture is looking south toward Malibu.

Paradise Cove is located on a small portion of land between Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) and the ocean in Malibu, Ca. The Beach Cafe ropes off a section of their parking lot for a Corvette Corral with the requirement we need to all be in place by 10:30AM. Obviously they don’t want to interfere with their normal customers lunch. The lot does begin filling quickly after we have lunch and leave around 1PM.SoCalSACC member John Costales organized this event as in previous years. Groups of Corvettes drive from various areas of So. Cal. to be at the site on time. This years we had 38 cars. Cars came from Orange County, Riverside and nearby Ventura. A very good representation. |

A good representation of 23 C-1’s. |

Bruce and Janet Fuhrman arrive in their ’54.
John and Judi Costales |
Bill & Bev Kluss arrived from Thousand Oaks, Ca. in their 1956 Vette.
Diane Strother and son Shawn
Chapter President Phil Roche and wife.
Tom Souza |
Polly |
Eric May arrives from Thousand Oaks |